Sarah and Missi... The party's just getting started.
The inner circle. These are the people who worked so hard to help me get my footwork right. It's all about the feet!
Mike Clark is all about the need for speed. The screen showed the MPH your ball was going, Mike had it at 22mph. Somebody pull him over!
EP Wells... ready for battle. Look at Tim! So serious - Only hard core bowlers roll up one sleeve... and those, that are in gangs, I suppose...
Ooooohhhhh. Let the trash talking begin!
This picture is begging for a caption contest. I don't remember what Maria was saying at the time, but the hand gestures are hilarious. And apparently they left Steve scratching his head...
Or, maybe that's some secret bowling move?
Here we have Tom. He's our 5pm producer... and apparently he's an Olympic bowler on the side. I'm pretty sure he's about to mow down all 10 pins and get ANOTHER strike here.
What a fun night! We were all so sweaty by the end of it. The first game, I bowled 102, which I'm pretty sure breaks a personal record... 2nd game was 56, I'm guessing to keep me humble. It worked.
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