I have had trouble sleeping lately. Probably has a little something to do with this little thing I struggle with (I inherited this from my wonderful, overachieving mother!) called STRESS. When I'm stressed... and I'm waking up all night, then get out of bed exhausted... it seems no amount of coffee does the trick, I'll drink some at home before my commute (you can't eat or drink on the metro)...

Then... just steps from the metro when I arrive in DC, I usually hit up the STBX...

But some days... stuff like this still ends up happening. My makeup spills in its bag and looks like Escape from Pompeii or something...

I wear the wrong shoes to the Rose Garden. (heels sink into the grass, oy.)

And I stand in the wrong place to see the President... like right behind the teleprompter. (oh... THAT'S why no one else is standing here) Not that there are many choices for good locations to actually SEE the President when you're only 5 feet tall.

But... thankfully I have one of these if I need to make another coffee run...

And... to quote a phrase that actually drives me nuts... "at the end of the day" my man will meet me with these little guys, not far from the bus stop. And, suddenly, all is right in the world.
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