For work, I cover the President's every move. Pretty much. Often this means I'm in the audience at events at the White House. Look for the back of my blonde head on the nightly news!! Haha. I'm pretty sure people are going to start coming up to me from behind, recognizing me. I digress... and I wish! Haha. It's super fun and believe it or not, it actually never gets old being in the same room as the President of the United States. What an incredible job I have. I always take my camera, so I thought I'd give you a little inside scoop on what these press events look like from my point of view.

The TV reporters are usually "going live" on cable news right up until the moment POTUS walks out and starts talking. I'm in the biz, and yet it still amazes me how they can stand so close to eachother, talking about the same thing, and make sense and focus. That's intense!

This is President Obama's water. Someone always brings a glass of water for him out right before he comes to speak and they set it on a table with a napkin. I have never once seen him drink it, though!

This particular press conference was with President Obama, and Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan. He's my favorite world leader I've seen in person so far, mostly because he speaks great english!

And here's a horrible picture of yours truly. In the 47th row, as ususal. Thanks, Becky!
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