Whew! I have had a week of Christmas celebrations! I ate so much this past week, I probably shouldn't eat anything else until 2010, but instead, I just googled recipes for leftover ham...
First up, the office White Elephant:
David scored some giant shoes.
Of course, a Snuggie was on hand. I can't remember who officially ended up with this, I don't think it was Jacob...
The most popular present was $10 worth of lottery tickets! Notice Jerome checking them out, using his White Elephant gift, an amazing magnifying glass! Haha.
I successfully offloaded an unwanted wedding gift, which will remain unnamed to protect feelings :)
And here's my White Elephant loot:
It's a sarcastic ball! Kind of like an 8 ball, but funner. You can ask it a question... like.... let's see... will I get to go to the White House Christmas Party tonight? Answer: "in your dreams"
Stupid sarcastic ball!!! Too bad it's totally right! I'm so incredibly bummed, I thought I was going to get in this year, but sure enough, I'm caught up in the system, and they invited fewer media people this year, so in a few minutes, I'll walk over to the White House, where on my way to my office, I'm sure to see dresses and tuxes hanging on doors... and sadly, I'll attend the briefing, and go home :( Not that I don't like quiet evenings at home with my wonderful hubby, but going to this party is seriously a dream.. and while I'm closer this year than I have ever been before... I still feel... defeated. Deflated. BUMMED. :( Waaa...
In Other News... also last week, we had our Christmas Party for the office. We had a really, really nice meal at a hotel down the street, and we all got gifts! I haven't even been to a sit down meal kind of company holiday party in YEARS. Those don't really happen anymore! And on top of that, we all got door prizes and a very generous gift card! On top of all of THAT, I won majorly playing "The Price Is Right"!! My loot from that was awesome - an entire brand new bake set!!! With measuring cups and spoons and a giant cutting board and oven mits! It was the perfect thing for me to win, you know with my baking goals and all!
Then... over the weekend, Michael and I had our Ugly Christmas Sweater Party!! We had so much amazing food! Our fridge is seriously so stuffed when you open the door, hardly any light comes out, hahaha! And believe it or not, I sent every single guest home with huge doggie bags! We had a lot of fun. Here is proof:
The kids decorating gingerbread men!
The gang playing Pop 5. We got that game as a wedding gift and it was a lot of fun!!!
Here we are, hosting in our ugly sweaters!
Lavina told us to make stupid faces. This is what we get. We got our Ugly Sweaters at Goodwill... and I'm happy to report, they have been washed, and are now back in the "Goodwill" pile to go back!
Merry Christmas everyone!
love love love it! and love love love love you guys!
That sweater isn't that bad :) I was expecting something worse--I bet I could find you one in my mother's closet--ha ha!
I'm so disappointed Brenny and I weren't able to come! BOOO!
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