I'm a television news producer. I see/write/watch/hear hundreds of "stories" each week. But this week, I was touched by a story in a way that I haven't felt in a while. The other day, I was checking in on my friend Christin's blog - where she gives updates about her husband, and their battle with cancer. (Pray for them - surgery coming up on the **12th**)
I clicked on a link. I couldn't believe what I was seeing before my eyes. An incredible love story. A young couple, facing a life I cannot imagine with strength, beauty and grace that made me cry and fall down on my knees in joy at the same time. Please click on the link and take the journey for yourself. I think the world needs to know the story of Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth Rose.
Tricia is a beautiful young woman with Cystic Fibrosis. She and her husband were getting things in order to prepare for the double lung transplant Tricia needs when they found out they were pregnant. It was not an ideal situation for Tricia to be pregnant, but she and her husband trusted God, and decided to have the baby. I'm leaving all kinds of details out but you can CLICK and read it all for yourself - in words and pictures and videos that tell the story a million times better than I could ever attempt to tell it. Tricia had to have an emergency c-section and tiny Gwyneth Rose was born way early. Tricia and Gwyneth still have a long way to go. They're both still in the hospital, away from home, facing major medical hurdles. Nathan is amazing. He is there with his girls, blogging updates all the way. His writing is beautiful, he's a talented photographer and the videos he makes are well done and so touching.
The crazy thing is - I know Nathan! I hadn't talked to him in years - you know how it is - you lose touch with people, it's normal. It happens. Nathan's dad pastors the church I used to go to when I was living in on the Outer Banks of North Carolina when I was home for summers and winters from Liberty University.
Well, after I spent almost the entire day, pouring over his blog - I was wishing there was something I could do to help this beautiful young family who is so honoring God with their lives it made me hit the floor. Face down. In tears. I could only think of one thing.
Their story. It needs to be on television. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I contacted Nathan, found out they would be interested, then it became my mission!
I scored within hours. An old pal, Barbara Gibbs, came to mind. Barbara used to be one of the main anchors at WSLS in Roanoke. When I was a student at Liberty - I had an assignment to interview a news reporter and have them grade my interviewing skills. I chose Barbara and we really hit it off in that school assignment. It was because of Barbara that I ended up interning at WSLS, then I got my first producing job there and you know the rest of my career from there!
Barbara is an awesome woman of God and she was the perfect thing I needed in my first job in the "real world," she totally made my transition into the world from the "Liberty bubble" possible.
Babs is in Raleigh, NC now. And you know what? I had lost touch with her, too. Until Nathan and Tricia's story.
Full circle: Today Barbara went to Duke and interviewed Nathan and Tricia and their story will be on the local news there in Raleigh/Durham. (air date is TBA) I am convinced that this is only the beginning! I have already contacted some national news outlets, and I'm praying they will pick up the story! Please pray - what is Nate and Tricia's prayer - that God would use this journey, this story, to raise awareness about CF, Organ Donation and Premature Birth.
I'm just honored and humbled to be a part of a blessing for a family that has truly blessed me. And I love the circle of THIS story - I think it's such a reflection of the BIG God we serve in this SMALL WORLD.
so, SO beyond amazing. and I found the story through Julie DeSantis-Nickerson, who also went to school with us. I can't remember how she found the story, but it's linked through tons of us across the country, and now it found its way to not only you, but potentially the rest of the country on TV. AMAZING. Plus the Barbara connection is amazing too. it's all incredible. God is so much bigger than anything else we could possibly imagine.
Wow, that's awesome. What an amazing story. What an amazing God we serve!! I will for sure be praying for the Lord's will in spreading this account of His goodness and awareness for the many medical issues involved. Dana, you go girl for being sensitive to the Lord on this one and following His lead!
Thanks, DANA!!!
Their story is the most awesome I have ever encountered. Their faith in God and love for each other and others is amazing. I am totaly in awe! God's blessings to them!
I don't know you, or Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth. I'm just someone who happened upon Nate's blog about 8 weeks ago and have been witnessing miracles ever since!
What you've done is so cool - I'd been thinking for the last 8 weeks that this needed to be broadcast on TV. Of course, unlike you, I don't have any "connections".
Thanks for doing what so many of us others who are in love with Gwyneth Rose wished we could! God is performing a great work through this story, and I've been just amazed at the way it's changed MY life even though I'll likely never meet them.
Have a blessed day!
Dana, what a beautiful write up of Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth Rose. I have been following their story since the birth of Gwyneth Rose.
Now speaking of God's awesome magnificent but small world. I live in Roanoke VA and remember when Barbara Gibbs was on WSLS. I read her name and said I remember her! I don't remember you, sorry, or I don't think I do, and I can't get your picture large enough to see!! We have been in OHIO for eight years and are now back in the beautiful Roanoke Valley. We love to go on vacation to AVON,NC in the OUTER BANKS. As we grow older in the Lord we see His handiwork in all of his creation and how He blesses all of us each day. I can't wait each morning to see what Nate has posted.
Thank you for taking another avenue to get out this beautiful love story or Nate and Tricia and their love for Jesus.
We are also in Roanoke County; just moved back to my husband's hometown of Salem after 11 years in South FL. Before that I was a student in Raleigh, NC. Neat to hear your local connection, and so glad to see their story told on a larger scale. Keep up the good work!
Hey Dana,
You know, you could have said something about how Nate's dad is this unbelievably handsome (for an old guy) pastor, or something like that. A little embellishment never hurts.
How many people actually have 8 true friends?Hardly anyone I know.But some of us have all right friends and good friends.
*I hope you all have a blessed day.
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