Back to back to back one-on-one interviews with three possible presidential candidates...

We shot our show in front of a fuzzy Des Moines skyline.

Fuzzy, as in I guess it was too cold for me to focus my camera! Thankfully, the show itself was not fuzzy!
A couple more snap shots from our trip...
David and Steve went in search of Mitt Romney on the streets of Des Moines. Thankfully, during this rainy portion of the trip, I remained in the warm, dry car. :)

This was an exciting trip because in many ways, it was the unofficial kick-off to the 2012 presidential campaign season! Tons of media at the church for the event we covered...

And, you know business is getting started when they start hoisting up the giant American flag...

You know you're in Iowa when you're driving along the road and your photographer sees a "farm scene" and asks to pull over to get a shot of it to represent "Iowa." Ha!

I think that's all I have for you guys from the trip. I didn't have time to take that many pictures.
It was great work experience, and, as usual, when I got home, I was glad to be home.
This week has been really busy, too. I'm so ready for the weekend! Tonight, girls' night with some friends from church. I don't think we have big plans for this weekend, so that's nice. My big event will be going to my happy place (Wegmans!) and Costco, to use my coupons of course.
Our prayer team is going to be in the ministry spotlight at church on Sunday, so that's exciting!
Thanks for reading, whoever is still reading. I'm sorry if it's been terribly boring lately.
I know I haven't been posting much deep content lately. I'm not hiding anything. I really haven't had much time for deep thought, let alone deep reflection and writing!
I love you all.
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