Well, after making a bunch of pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, and enough meals to last Michael like a week (even though I'm only going to be gone for 2 days)...

And packing up what is essentially a mobile television studio (well, Steve did the packing)

I'm in Iowa.
It sounds dull and drab and boring to most people.
I get that.
But you know what? This flat, brown, dry place is the epicenter of the beginning of presidential politics. So, while it's no Santa Barbara, California, I'm happy as can be to be here!
Plus, a good meal, some Cold Stone ice cream, and a nice hotel is what it is, no matter where you are.
And, you all know how I love me some "me" time.
Well... I'm getting some of that tonight.
Chillin' in the bed alone here in my hotel room, watching 60 minutes.

I'm committed to photographing my hotel rooms, so, here you go.

I'm the type that moves into a hotel room. I like order, okay?
So, of course, I set it up in a way that is the most like home that I can.
I line all my stuff up for when I'll need it.
Which is a good thing, because starting at o'dark 30 tomorrow morning, we're in for like a 24 hour day!

I almost always wish I would have brought a power strip with me. Is it just me? Do I just have too many electronic devices? Or are all hotel rooms short on plugs? Gotta charge that stuff up, ya know?
Here's my beautiful view of... Iowa.

Beautiful, isn't it? I could not live here. But, there is a Starbucks across the street, a drive-thru one, I might add, so... I'm a happy girl.

I just might be having an update-the-blog-a-thon tonight.. so, stay tuned, if you so wish.
So, Jimmy and I have been obsessively watching all the West Wing seasons...recently they were Iowa for the campaign! Pretty cool! Enjoy your trip!
Wow! You go girl!
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