Ah! The tables were turned. I was the one needing to be taken care of. This happens pretty rarely around here. And I remember the first time I got sick last year, and Michael just tried to stay out of the way... um... big mistake! I wanted the attention!
Good news to report here... he learned his lesson :) He warmed me up some water with lemon. He checked on me. He even went down to Subway to get us lunch! I was impressed with how quickly he did that.
While he was gone, I sipped some Pumpkin Spice Tea. That felt good. I drank it sitting up in the bed. (grrr... see previous post, haha)

And, are you ready for this? Bonus points for the hubs! Remember how we were 100 percent out of milk. Look what Mr. Wonderful brought home from Subway!

He took great care of me, I enjoyed being on the 'other side' (kind of) for a day, and Saturday morning, I felt much better, yay! The worst part about getting sick was one of my best friends just had a little baby girl, and I was planning on visiting her on Saturday, but decided I should wait since I was sick. Boooo. But the last thing I would want to do is make a newborn sick! I'm hoping I can road trip it up to B'more soon to see Baby Bettis!
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