Iowa and New Hampshire are the first caucus and primary states, in that order. While election day 2012 is still more than a year away, the presidential candidates are already making lots of appearances in these states. So, so am I.
I have been to New Hampshire and Iowa in the past 60 days, and next week, or the week after that (I should really check on that) ... I will head BACK to Iowa!
Here are some of the pluses and minuses I have found, and some of the candidates we have been following around.
PLUS: Clam chowdah in New Hampshah.







*Actually... it was kind of fun!
Here are some random shots of candidates we've been following...
Mitt Romney:

And here are a couple of behind-the-scenes views from where I sit/stand:

Another random shot:

And, FYI best part of a Tea Party rally we covered in Iowa?

Last one...
We were covering a Sarah Palin event... and I spotted a random, SP look-a-like in the crowd:

I'm traveling again later this month, so I will be on the lookout for randomness to share with you! If there's something in particular you are curious about, please ask! I always get feedback that readers want to see "behind the scenes" stuff, but sometimes I feel like I'm boring! So, let me know what you want.
Of course, the best part about traveling is coming home to a husband who has missed me, and...

Of course, coming home also has it's pluses and minuses.
The plus is coming home to Mr. Wonderful who always has the house nice and clean/straight/smelling good for me when I walk in the door.
The minus is realizing that a stranger (we hire home health providers to come help M with his personal needs when I'm out of town) has been in my bathroom. I mean, really. Why do they have to touch my stuff? I digress...

Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. The tea party give out free ice cream?! (Rethinking political affiliation...)
I'm in! Finally! Love the post - these are exactly why I love your blog so much!!!
P.S. the chowdah looks AMAZING!
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