As you also know, I tied a Terrible Towel around Brokaw yesterday. He cried all afternoon, begging for me to take it off. Wandered into the office to beg Michael to take it off.
No one did.
So, he finally settled down.

And, before kickoff, he was doing this number.

My puggle loves to snuggle on Sundays.
Always has.
I don't know why. But I'm not arguing because I happen to love me a Puggle Snuggle.
It's so sad when I leave for work on Mondays, because B cries. It breaks my heart! I will never be ready to be a mother.
I don't know, do you think he just gets re-attached every weekend?
So sweet.
New topic.
Here's the deal.
I want to be better about blogging.
So, here's the deal that comes with that.
It's just going to be kind of random.
Are y'all good with that?
My old blog used to be quite random.
Okay, good. We're all on the same page.
Now, on to said new topic.
Remember, a few weeks ago, I shared with you the goals that Michael and I have for 2011?
Well, there were a few other things that were kind of unspoken, but also goals for the year.
I have some good news to report!
It's 3:34pm on Monday (my day is almost over at work) and unless there's some sort of tragedy (Michael, if you're reading this, please don't fall out of your chair and break any bones) or major unforseen expense, I'm going to be able to scratch a goal off my list!
An emotional goal.
I want to go at least a week between crying.
Sounds lame, I know.
Last week I made it to 5 days and I was so proud!
Now, I'm at a WHOLE WEEK, and I'm actually PMSing, so I think I deserve extra points for that!
Seriously, after going through such a SAD time last year, I'm thankful for days without tears.
A whole week people! I think we have the beginning stages of JOY back here!
Another goal I had was to travel for work. I went on one work-related trip last year, but it was just a short drive to Richmond, and I actually brought Michael with me. That was crazy stressful, trying to balance work on the road, and worrying about him and taking care of him. "You don't have to worry about me," he says.
Yeah, right.
Not an option.
I'm sorry, but if you're there, I'm worried that you get up and down the hills and through the doors and that you have your strap for your spoon for lunch.
I just do.
Call it a maternal instinct.
Call me crazy.
I love you, but you stress me out! :)
I didn't travel because it seemed like such a hassle to be gone because we would have to arrange for help for Michael to get up, down, etc. And that can be VERY expensive!
Ladies and Gentlemen... I'm happy to report to you, as of today, I have a plane ticket for my first real work trip! Yeah!
We're also doing pretty good on other goals, too. I don't think we're going to make the budget for this month, but we're pretty close. And that's a good start, in my humble opinion.
I did dig a stainless steel trash can out of the dumpster (not really, it was outside the dumpster, and already clean!) that is broken. I've been wanting a stainles steel trash can, but they're stinking expensive! We're going to try to fix this one, we'll see! And, I got a new slipcover for our couch that usually sells for like $159 on Craigslist this month for $50. So, yeah, I'd say we're being pretty frugal.
And, of course, I'm still rocking the coupons out.

Maybe sometime I'll do a post about coupons. I'm not a coupon nut (really), but I'm learning how to use them and I can say they are making a difference in how much we spend on groceries and toiletries.

Like most things in life, a good system is KEY.
While I'm on the subject of goals, let me brag on myself a little bit.
I went to the gym this morning! I haven't been in months.
I didn't really have time to go, but I did it anyway.
Maybe I'll go back on Wednesday.
Because we had this for dessert last night and for part of breakfast this morning and I've been thinking about it all day.

Blueberry Pie. Yum.
And, I also made mint/dark chocolate chip cookies Friday night and they were amazing but I definitely ate like 10 myself.
I'm like that with cookies.
I cannot have them in the house, because I will seriously scarf down like a BOX of cookies.
Favorite. Food. Check.
So, yeah... I've pretty much been obsessed with scratching things off of lists, reaching to achieve goals, and trying not to cry.
So far, so good.
Wow! You are SUPER impressive!!! Congratulations on all of these wonderful accomplishments. I'm so glad that joy is returning! :)
Did you make it without crying???
Kristen, I DID!! God is so good!
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