Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday Morning Post

Happy Saturday, y'all!
How sweet it is.
It feels like it has been FOREVER since we had a real Saturday morning.

Because last Saturday morning -- we were driving back from vacation.
The Saturday before that, was our BIG interview with Mitt Romney at Liberty University.
The Saturday before that, Michael was at a mens' retreat, and I spent the day cleaning and organizing.
And the Saturday before that, was the White House Correspondents' Dinner. (I know, I'm horrible and haven't blogged about the dinner - it's on my list - I just feel so FAR behind on this blog and life in general, it's a little overwhelming...)
So... yeah... we've been a LITTLE busy.
It's nice to be back to a nice, quiet, "normal" Saturday morning.
M is actually up. He's awake in the bedroom, the bed is sitting up, and he's reading a book for work.
I won't gush on how proud of him, because if I did, this blog could become entirely about that. I'm really proud.  Okay. I'll stop.

Brokaw is snuggled up next to me, and Princess is asleep too. I had Angel Food Cake for breakfast.  

My hopes for this long weekend are to catch you up on our lives over the last month or so on the blog, to make strawberry jam and homemade ice cream, to have friends over to grill out, and to spend some serious time at the pool.  Oh, and I guess I should go grocery shopping. 

I better get on it.
Cheers to Saturday! What are your plans for this weekend?

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