So, this is nice.
I've missed my alone time in my White Chair, drinking coffee and eating...

A toaster strudel. Yep, a toaster strudel. Pretty much 100 percent evil! Buttery, processed crust. Fake blueberry filling, and icing out of a tiny plastic packet. So evil. So anti-everything I like for us to eat. Yet, rebellious, and delicious. I always want to eat two at a time, but I stopped myself today. Because that, my friends, really is ridiculous? Or is it? They're pretty small...
It's already almost 9am. I've almost finished my first cup of coffee, and I'm gaining understanding of the world around me, realizing that Hannah Montana or something is on in the background. I'm so good at tuning background noise out that it takes a while, if I'm not paying attention, for background noise to get to a place where I actually hear it. So, I just changed it to the local news.
I love Chuck Bell. He does the best, most cheerful weather forecasts. And he reminds me of Jimmy Stewart for some reason. I think he's darling. I just missed working with him at my first TV station 10 years or so ago, but I digress... I still love local news. I love to watch it. I miss producing it, in some ways.
Moving on.
On Saturday mornings like this, I usually like to take about an hour to myself, in my chair. But, I'm pushing past that time frame now because this morning I had to have an emergency-pantry-organizing session.
It was getting out of control. And I just can't handle chaos like that!

Ahhhh. Much, much better!
Two little creatures were watching my every move, hoping to enjoy some pantry castoffs.

But, no luck for them.
On our agenda for today - pretty much nothing.
I suppose I should clean this apartment. But I don't even feel like doing that! I've been going a million miles an hour at work for the past two weeks or so (at least) and all I want to do now is crash.
We will have dinner with our friends Becky and Brian tonight, though! I'm looking forward to our quadrilateral! :)
And tomorrow, church, and probably the Newseum. One of my favorite places on the planet. I got a groupon for tickets to the Newseum a few months ago, and we have to use it this weekend before it expires.
I love Groupon. Too much, actually.
Okay, time is up. I have to go get Mr. Ritter up for the day.
I hope I can come back here later. I really do love sitting here drinking coffee and updating the blog. Happy Saturday, y'all!
I had no idea Chuck was in DC! Fun! For both of you! :)
I loved the pictures from your California trip! Maybe you can get a gig out here... :)
The Newseum!! We went several months ago. FASCINATING! Didn't you love Tim Russert's office?!
Diane, yes!! That was my favorite thing this visit!
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