I have a very random mixture of candles burning, and it's actually kind of nice! Christmas cookie, Harvest, some sort of glade red peppermint candle and a tea light that I think is supposed to be some sort of "beach" scent.
Truth: It snowed here this week and neither one of these dogs will "go to the bathroom" outside. So, yeah. Whatever candle I could find, I'm burning, because, ICK. No thank you on that smell. Thank god we have linoleum floors so it's easy to clean up.
Sorry... chocolate pistachio biscotti to that... definitely not a good thing.
We went to the movies last night to see "Morning Glory." I've been dying to see it because it's about a TV producer, and I had like 5 different people tell me it was about me. It really was! Parts of it made me want to cry. Because she's so obsessed with her work, she almost misses out on real life. That's totally me. I'm so thankful I got married when I did. To who I married. Otherwise, I think I could very well be a 30 something working at 30 Rock in NYC on the Today Show or something. Then, soon after, I'd be a 40 or 50 something, wondering what happened to my life.
There are still parts of me that ache for that "network news" dream. But, mostly, I'm thankful for God's direction and provision that led me to where I am now. I think right now I have the perfect blend. A history-witnessing day job covering the President for an organization that truly puts family and people first. And an evening job of wife to the most supportive, cutest guy I've ever known. It is good. It's allowed me to pursue my appetite for covering power and politics in Washington. And find my groove in the kitchen and as a bit of a homemaker. And to share my life, my love with my partner. It's just enough of each.
I need to remember that on the days where I just get overwhelmed by our crazy life.
What a year this has been! I'm starting to feel a bit reflective over the last year. That's kind of odd for me, because I don't tend to look back much. Maybe it's because I'm getting older. Maybe it's because I live with someone who is quite reflective by nature. Not sure. But it's not a bad thing.
Okay, it's 9:03am now. Starting to feel guilty. I should go get M up and ready for the day now. The windows I currently have open: a cranberry bliss bars recipe (been meaning to try those for weeks now....), Etsy, a Google search on "how to can food in jars"(this may be a New Year's resolution) and the New York Times... can wait.
There's a lot to do around here. Taking care of M, cleaning this apartment, getting a massage, baking something for our ministry party tomorrow.. not to mention the several blog posts I want to do from things that happened this week...
Do you like how I list "get a massage" right there with "clean the apartment?" What is wrong with me???? This is going to be AMAZING!! I can't wait. So thankful for the opportunity.
For real now... 9:06am. I'm getting off of here. One more side note: WETA classical music on a Saturday morning is nice.
You've got the good life girlfriend.
And network news... enh. It's fun, but everything is as fun as you make it, right? Besides, YOU are making a difference doing what you're doing. Keep up the good work. And merry merry!
Hey Dana! It's been ever so long, but upon reading your post, I thought I'd leave you a little comment. This year, being my first year out of college and all, I decided to try my hand at being domestic, thus came canning. I got this great kit at Target (<3<3): http://www.amazon.com/Ball-Home-Canning-Discovery-Kit/dp/B003ENB1KI
and then I read this blog :
and made this awesome jam:
It was so good and SO easy! You should try it...in your spare time (like you have any!)...but you know what I mean!
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